Monday, 21 October 2013

War Photographer Documentary by Christian Frei

Questions raised in viewing the documentary 'War Photographer':
1.) What do you think of his approach to photographing people in crisis?
2.) What kind of subject does Stern magazine cover?
3.) What conflict and issues did he cover in the movie?
4.) Why did he become a war photographer?
5.) What kind of personality do you think war photo-journalists like James Nachtwey have to have?
6.) What pictures ended up being used?

The documentary 'War Photographer' follows photographer James Nachtwey who goes to a great extent to tell the story of war in photographs.  From my viewing of the film I found Nachtwey's approach to photographing people in crisis to be one of understanding and calmness.  He himself explains in the film of how it is not in the normal codes of behaviour during or after a war to photograph a grieving family or group of people unless you have their consent to.  Before photographing these distraught families whose lives have shattered before them, he makes sure he has their permission to do so.  So I think he is careful in approaching and photographing these people in crisis, and feel that he genuinely feels emotion towards them and their situation.

Stern magazine which is featured in this documentary is a major weekly news magazine which was founded in 1948 and originated in Germany.  The magazine has a readership total of over 7 million.  It quickly became the leading post World War II magazine in Germany upon its first publication.  Stern covers a number of subjects, some including articles on international affairs, news analysis, celebrity profiles and interviews.  In the early 21st century the magazine took a stand against neo-Nazi violence and launched a campaign to prevent right-wing violence.

Nachtwey covers several different issues and conflicts in this documentary.  The issues covered by him include war, famine, poverty and grief.  The beginning of the documentary depicts the Kosovo region after the war.  Nachtwey captures the wrecked buildings, rubble in the streets and more importantly the grief stricken people of the area.  He photographs an elderly woman, whose home has been destroyed, in a room in the wrecked house.  A photograph that he has taken then appears, it appears to be of a father and son at a grave in a graveyard which is surrounded by people in the background.  The next image shown is of the grief of a group of people who are likely to have lost their homes or have been affected by the death of someone.  Another photograph follows and shows a young man who is lying down on a hospital bed screaming out in agony.

In 1980 James Nachtwey woke up with the idea to go to New York to become a magazine war photographer.  He felt he was witnessing history and that he got to see how war effected people's lives.  He compared it to theatre, saying it was like being on stage, as if the script was being written for you.
He had to get in touch with his feelings during the time of being a war photographer, he ultimately discovered himself.  Although he captures people's misfortune, he has said that the worst thing to feel as a photographer is that he is in any way benefiting from someone else's tragedy, and he has said how this idea haunts him.

I think all war photographers must have a single-mindedness about them like James Nachtwey has.  War photographers should remember they are there for one main reason and that is to show the rest of world what is going on in different countries.  You must be focused, however you must also be sympathetic and careful in how you approach victims and people who have been affected in some way by war.  Like what Nachtwey said himself, "Fear is not what's important; it's how you deal with it", you must overcome fear of certain situations and you must manage how you react to it.  Fear is a part of the job of a war photographer, therefore one must overcome it.  Also you must always have consent of the person you are photographing as it is such a sensitive time and circumstance for them.

The photographs which were used in the end were those which were striking and effective.  They truly showed of the tragedy and devastation that the war has caused in people's lives.  They all show of how people's lives have come crashing down around them and left their world torn.  Nachtwey hopes for some sort of relief to come from these images, to show the world of the horrific aftermaths of war.

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